Wichita Falls Times from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

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Wichita Falls Timesi

Wichita Falls, Texas

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Mr Fix-It SUNDAY 14 1M1 FALLS TEXAS toidga SMb Dormitory Permit Boosts Total Safe Use of Ladders HOMESIFORIAMERICANS Wichita Falls Television Inc construct business Seymour Highway $13000 Reid-Naylor-Baldwin repair office 613 Eighth $1200 Club repair Chib Sixth and Broad $40000 Deep Plowing Earns Approval MEMPHIS Tex June 13 Hall County Farm Bureau members went on record opposing elimination of deep plowing and subsoiling from the PMA program for 1954 The step wu taken at the second monthly meeting of the recently-organized group in the courthouse here In a letter to Walter Hammond president of the Texas Farm Bureau Federation members urged the state and national organizations to take measures to see that deep plowing and subsoiling are included among approved PMA practices in 1954 The letter pointed out that growing of legumes has proved impracticable here and subsoiling hu bun found the next but thing The letter further stated that deep plowing is the most used conservation method in this county well as other nearby counties This has proved to be not only a sound conservation measure but has resulted in increased production the letter said EISENHAL'ER SWORD UNEARTHED IN YUGOSLAVIA BELGRADE (JP) Discovery of an ancient artistically wrought sword in the little Slovenian town of Lasko has excited Yugoslav antique experts upon learning that the blade bore the engraving Hopeful of establishing an historical link between the family of the president of the United States and this country Yugoslav authorities sent a picture of the sword and details of its discovery to German experts with a request for Information on its origin The German experts replied the sword probably was forged somewhere around 1700 in Germany and that the Inscription probably wu that of the craftsman rather than of the owner Building permit! climbed upward aome this pact week as one 8249000 permit for a girls dormitory at Midwestern Unlver-ity wu issued by the city engineer's office June permits now total $398070 while permits this past week totaled $368283 Permits for the year now stand at $4701491 Permits issued during the week Included: Mitchell Walden repair porch 3209 Wedgewood $90 A Watkins repair storeroom 319 Westside Drive $200 Earl Glllam repair residence 1005 Terrell $200 Mrs Josephine Jackson repair residence 1519 Eleventh $120 Mitchell Walden repair residence 1825 McGregor $1400 Walker Construction Co construct grage 2808 Avenue $500 Alma Mitchell repair residence 1203 Smith $500 Frank Ribnlck repair residence 2212 Piedmont $2000 James Foster repair residence 2305 Ellingham $850 Ralph Pond construct business 1911 Ninth $14000 Thomas repair residence 810 Tulsa $2300 Saye construct business 1201 North Third $4000 Bill Dixon Construction Co construct residence 2108 Miramar $35000 Taylor-Howle Co construct dormitory Midwestern University $249000 McIntyre repair residence 2007 Arthur $1683 Jessie Brown repair residence 1209 Austin $700 J- Broomfield repair rest dence 701 Houston $350 Everett McCullough repair garage 2105 Ellingham $500 Scott construct garage 2704 Baltimore $500 THE BEST COSTS NO MORE BUY THE LEADER YOU MUST BE PLEASED May We Make Free Estimates? Hr HAROLD SMITH Ladders are simple in construction but there are a number of fine points in their care and use it will profit any home handyman to know Properly treated they are benevolent aids to better living carelessly employed they drum up customers for physicians and undertakers Even buying an extension ladder requires some understanding For the householder such a ladder should be just long enough to reach the highest peak of the house and no more Too short is obviously bad too long means wrestling unnecessary weight Let'a say your tallest gable Is 24 feet off the ground How long an extension ladder should you buy? Two and Taro Not Alwaya Fear These ladders commonly come in lengths ranging from 20 feet upward in multiples of four feet The length of an extension ladder is expressed as the total length of its two sections Thus a 32-foot ladder would consist of two 16-foot sections However a 32-foot extension ladder reach that high into the air For sake the two sections should overlap by at least four feet (ladder rungs usually are a foot apart) Thus 32-foot extension ladder standing straight will reach up only 28 feet But that same ladder won't carry you 28 feet from the ground because it has to be leaned a certain minimum amount so it topple over backward with its occupant Firemen probably the world's best authorities on ladders have a formula for ladder placement that is given in rather formidable arithmetical form in the accompanying drawing Play Safe This Way Don't let the formula throw you It means merely that to play safe you should place the bottom of leaning ladder out from the aide of the building a distance equal at least to one-fifth the ladder length plus two feet So to reach that topmost 24 feet gable your ladder base should stand off from the building about seven feet (one-fifth of 24 feet plus two feet equals 68 feet) A leaning ladder obviously Sl mivvvss! I THOMAS Coblnet SpeckiHgt rj t'i ra a tjt fl) ri rj a ti ti a ufAtjitjtoi'i DCAIER loRMICx FABRICATOR BEVERLY DRIVE 1516 PHONE 3-6523 FOR FREE ESTIMATE At Newafaatares A PRIZE TINNING PLAN desired for year-round sir condition is This house by Torn Bear architect 823 Locuat St Sl Louie Mo von a 82000 prise la die Curler Corp com--petition la which 827800 waa distributed for heat designs The house covering 1800 square feet without garage and terrace requires no basem*nt its air conditioning equipment being accommodated in a large closet near indoor gmden for plants that grow in the shade Solid east and west walls reduce heat gain in suaner Wide overhang shelters fhe sooth Clerestory windows under the roof ridge face aorth Swimming pool Is part of south terrace -dgb- Safety Pointers In Using a Ladder Clean out your attic with a classified ad in the Times or Record News Phone 2-3241 Times-Record News Want Ads will bring quick money and quick results Phone 2-3241 Did You Know That reach as high as a straight-up ladder It is the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle By the rule that says the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the two sides it would take 26 feet of ladder to lean properly against your 24-foot peak and since two 14-foot sections be enough your case would can for two 16-foot sections or a 32-foot extension ladder Here's Hew to Climb Firemen ten you the proper way to climb a ladder is to stand upright on the rungs with your arms about horizontal as your hands grip the rungs for steadying support Wooden ladders if normally stored indoors need not be painted and painting a ladder not onto is an irksome Job but also adds weight to what's at best an awkward device to handle If you leave an unpainted ladder outdoors it becomes watersoaked thus heavier to handle and also is too soon weakened and roughened by the process of decay Magnesium ladders have become popular since the war Among their advantages are their lightness (about half the weight of wood) and their freedom from the effects of weather Their disadvantages include high initial cost (more than twice that of wood) their tendency to be carried out of position by wind and the fact that they provide a dangerous electrical path to ground if the wielder accidentally touches bare high tension wires overhead Essay Winners Receive Pigs MEMPHIS Tex June 13 Winners in a recent essay contest for Hall County Four-H Club members on "The Advantages of Diversified Farming" have received their prize pigs Hooser county agent said The swine are Duroc Jerseys The following received a pig from the Sears Foundation: Jerry Bob and Betty Jean Smith brother and sister of Turkey Gary Cox Tell Daryl Long Danny Lee Coy Johnson and Majes Davis all of Memphis and William Molloy and Charles Holt both of Lakevlew John Deaver of Memphis and Jimmy Molloy of Lakevlew each received a pig donated by "Doc" Saye Memphis' Pat Lynn McGlnty of Turkey received (me given by the Memphis Chamber of Commerce and Larry Wynn of Turkey one donated fay Durham Memphis Hooser said two Hall County Four-H Gub members have furnished herd boars for club groups in two Texas counties William Ferret sold one to Haskell County and Roy Don Molloy sold one to Stonewall County According to Hooser a litter of eight pigs belonging to Ferrel wu weighed recently at the age of 56 days and tipped the scales at 516 pounds The county agent said this weight may be a record for the state v7llL7lu WOMEN NOT WEIGHT LIFTERS NEW JERSEY PROCLAIMS ATLANTIC CITY VPh-Women who work shouldn't lift weights what the New Jersey State Federation of Labor maintained in a resolution passed at its annual convention The federation went on record as "seeking the enactment of leg-islation prohibiting employers from requesting female employes to lift weights -in excess of 25 pounds" Alkyd Flat Enamel Transform your rooms with Valspar Velvet the revolu-tionary flat finish that makes painting a pleasure! Three Cars Stolen Recovered at Ahus ALTUS Okla June Three autos were stolen within a 24-hour period in Altos last week but aU three have been recovered Police Chief Clint Brake reputed A sedan owned by Jack Russell of Altai waa stolen Tuesday while Mrs Russell was at the city swimming pool with her two children It wee recovered Wednesday two and one-half miles north of Grider-ville A coupe belonging to Morgan of Altai was stolen early Wednesday but waa found abandoned at the hlghway-Y north of Blair later in the day- The third auto owned by Oscar I Costillo of Altai was repented stolen early Wednesday and was found abandoned In a residential lection of the city Chief Brake laid Ready-to-lnstoll Ornamental Iron Valspar sasss- 575 1aq EASIEST PAItyT YOU EVER USED I Roll or brushes on! Dries quickly to a lovely flat finish without the slightest sheen No streaks or brushmarka! ONE COAT COVERS 'MOST ANY SURFACE I Beautiful over wallpaper paint piaster wallhoanl ami almoat any surface I COMPLETELY WASHABLE I Smears and finger-marks wipe off like magic It's evrn smihhable! WONDERFUL COLOR SELECTION I A wide selection of pastel medium and I deep shades the colors wanted! IN 1882 WICHITA COUNTY WAS ESTABLISHED? IN 1908 JOHN OECHSNER STARTED IN THE ELECTRICAL BUSINESS IN WICHITA FALLS? IN 1926 JOHN OECHSNER ESTABLISHED I OWN BUSINESS IN WICHITA FALLS? IN THIS CITY JOHN OECHSNER ELECTRIC COMPANY DOES THE BEST ELECTRICAL WIRING AND REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS? IN THE PAST FORTY-FIVE YEARS JOHN OECHSNER HAS WIRED THE GREATER PER CENT THE I HOMES IN WICHITA FALLS? JOHN OECHSNER ELECTRIC COMPANY IS THE OLDEST WESTINGHOUSE DEALER IN TEXAS? IN JOHN OECHSNER ELECTRIC A YOU WILL FIND OVER FIVE HUNDRED BEAUTIFUL LIGHTING FIXTURES ON DISPLAY FOR YOUR SELECTION? IN THE EVENT THAT YOU ARE PLANNING TO BUILD OR REMODEL JOHN OECHSNER ELECTRIC COMPANY CAN SERVE YOU BETTER! Jno Oechsner Electric Co 809 Brook Street Phone 3-8116 Taking Cart of Your Electric Trouble! tar 45 Ytart Memphis Band Students Attend NTSC Clinic MEMPHIS Tex June 13 Five members of the Memphis High School band are attending a one-week band clinic at North Texu State College In Denton The five are Billy Allen Combi PhlUlp Patrick Wayne Fold Sue Miller and Beverly Middleton Richard Highfill music director of Memphis High School la an instructor In the clinic The course will conclude Tuesday night with a concert 53 1 Quart COLUMNS Installation Extra MIDNIGHT IRON WORKS Lee Phone 2-7581 BUY THE LEADER rotm ii omd you did-cau Min today (MMtm m4 pM wMi twilIM Imt-NO DOWN FAYMINT be mend ef Ike In ie Qeetly Aweenew CeeMfecHee DISTRIBUTORS FOR 9 Gold Bond Point 9 Glidden Spred Satin Products 9 United Wallpaper Call Us for Reliable Painters Paperhangers WE DELIVER Hunt-Stenart Point and Supply Co Eleventh and Scott Phone 3-2114 ACE FENCE CO DOC AUM HAICOU) lONO.

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Wichita Falls Times from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Views: 5531

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.