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WICHITA PAILY TIMES WICHITA FALLS TEXAS St PAY JANTARY 4 1914 rART TWO PAGE FOUR The Best Food-Drink Lunch mi Fountain SOCIETY jj (Continued from Page 2) Ask For as the old year breathed its last talks of interest of the I'nlon were made by the preMident Iucian Fralh and others followed by a devotional service led by the iiastor Thus ended another haiiy occasion for the young people of the Fourth street Baptist church WATCH PARTY GivEN AT CHISHOLM HOME WEDNESDAY ORIGINAL 6ENUINE HORLICK'S and Joe Kell Allied tfarrtgau Jim Barnard Jo CasjUan Wllltani Robertson Charlie 'Jeii Ralph Pon iutt Robertson Harold Hamlin JnnetJ i Mania itlMtauui ol Tor ortfv Victor Jungti Austin Self Ki win McCarter of ltecatur Clyde Smith Leslie Strlng and Robert Avis The guests cut for two prise Miss Helen Stone receiving a boudoir cap and James Martin Williams getting a box of correspondence iard MISS MAMIE SULLIVAN GIVES BOX PARTY AT MAJESTIC Monday afternoon' Miss Mamie KoV livan entertained a number of little people with a matinee party at the Majestic in honor of her niece Miss Kathryn Sullivan's ninth birthday After the show the merry party ad journed to the Caudy Kitchen where they were served with hot chocolate They were then presented with caud canes as favors Those in the party were: Miss Kathryn Sullivan Misses Emmallne Dunham Rose Kennel hioel Moran Evelyn Brennan Kav-eiiaugh Garden Martha and Mary Miller Nellie McCune Zeita Bp man and the chaperolies Misses Mamie Sullivan ami Mary McCune MR AND MRS HV BAKER AT HOME WEDNESDAY EVE have moved our Millinery Department from Barnard Co to 818 Indiana Ave next door to the Favorite Shoe Store This store will he known as the Gildhovse Fashion Store out fitters for mothers and daughters Our new spring line wil) arrive daily after February the first Avoid Imitations -Take No Substitute Rich Milk malted grain in powder form More healthful than tea or coffee or inlants invabcls and growing children Agrees with the weakest digestion Purenutntion upbuilding the whole body Keep it on your sideboard at home Invigorates aiming mothers and the aged A quick lunch prepared in a minute fTJW" Electrically Two tv 'urnli Miss Jsnnela chisbolm and Mi Reba Woods entertained their friends at the home of Miss Cblsholm Wednesday evening with a watch party Fruit and candles were served throueh out the evening delicious itao late and cake The evening was very enjoyably gient and it was a jolly crowd that welcomed the New Year The following were present: Misses Jessie Gwinn tiladys Barsocks Rosa Kchart Mrs 1 8 Robertson and John Noel of Oklahoma tturk Phillips Harry Rowers Brace Dtckerson Ralph Davis liouis t'olemuu and John Rob ertOII WESLEY GIRLS ENJOY SOCIAL MEETING TUESDAY The Wesley (ilrls enjoyed a social meeting Tuesday afternoon with Mrs John Chambers Work was left at home -tnd entirely forgotten and the afternoon wi spent in playing forty-two The hostess assisted by Mrs I Taylor served a very delight lul two course luncheon at the con elusion of the games Those present wire: Misses Muriel Hickman lla t'ook RufTner Myrtle Humphries Mesdames Rhea Howard lester Jones mid Hartsook Mrs I Taylor was a guest MRS NEWTON "MAER HOSTESS TO TUESDAY BRIDGE CLUB On sale tomoirow at our new home 818 Indiana Avenue 50 Trimmed Hats at Art QO only PJO This lot of high grade Trimmed Hats are worth up to $1500 On sale tomorrow at $298 See our window display the lirlKl mHur ct Ui kvl 7 II rquiptJ with Rhclric Id I iM Finnic 1 I uHl KUrtric I 1 SISl uc Rmlroi- mid I Hm-nrntil nm-imii rt fiee 2Mlti bccCtuluflot iiitJ Jumiiioii N-w Year's Eve Mr and Mrs Baker honored Miss Kathleen Stone-cipher Earl Clayton and Cllft Bullock with a most delightful reception The reception suite was charmingly decorated in keeping with the season The arched doorways were hung with cedar mlstb'toe and other Christmas greenery with carnations and colored lights intermingled producing a very pleasant effect In ull of the rooms IHitted plants holly wreaths cut flow--rs and Christmas colors hud been used to the very best advantage lu ue dining room a huge bowl ol tWl a) peas furnished the center piece for the polished table The guests were met in the hall by Mesdames Little and McGregor and Miss Maude Stone cipher Mrs Uttle was gowned In lavender brocade Mrs McGregor In pink brocaded satin and Miss Stone-cipher in lavender crepe Mr an 1 Mrs Baker Miss Kathleen Stone cipher Earl Clayton and ('lift Bullock made up the receiving line Mrs Baker wore a lavender churmeuse with chiffon over draiierles and Miss Stonecipher wore a creation of white satin trimmed in gold cloth Mrs MOTOCYCLES FOR -1914 The Tuesday Bridge met this week with Mrs Newton Mner us hostess There were three tables of players and Mrs Mike Walker scored high receiving the prize for the afternoon a pair of silk hose Delightful refreshments were served consisting a salud plate with coffee and cake mints and salted almonds The hoc less was assisted In entertaining by her mother Mrs A Kemp Those present were: MeBdames Duke Hlnes Mytinger Little Hughes McGregor Weeks Mike Walker Thorburn Sherroil the Misses Durrett of Fort Worth and Miss Sherrod EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF AID SOCIETY IN SESSION Bean and Misses Taylor Carver Thanking you for the past favors and hoping for a continuance of your patronage we are Yours to serve Gildhouse Fashion Store Intiana Avenue 60000 brand -new red machines will go out'ovcr the Indian frails during the coming the greatest motorcycle production in the history of the industry They will flush forth fully armed with Thirty -Eight Better-merits for 1914 f' Armed with powerful and beautiful Electrical Equipment! Armed with a New Standard of Value which must completely overturn all existing ideas of motorcycle worth All standard Indian models for I9M come equipped with electric head light electric tail light two -ct high amperage storage batteries electric signal Corbin Brown rear-drive speedometer You cannot fully rttYnt the W14 Indian without a thorough study of the I'I4 Indian Catalog It roakn pluin a hot of compelling Indian facts that all motor-ycle-intercotrd mm can enmidrr to their MM profit Send for the 1414 Indian Catalog the not interesting volume of inuturcyclc literature you've ever read The 1914 line of Indian Motocycles consists of 4 HP Single Service Model $20000 7 II I Twin Two-Tweolv-livc Kegutar Model 22500 7 JIP Twin Two-Sitty Standard Model 26000 7 II Twin Light Roadster Model 26000 7 HH Twin Two Speed Kegular Model 27500 7 II Twin Two Speed Tourist Standard Model 30000 7 1 1 Twin llendee Special Model (with Klecthc Starter) 32500 Factory DAVIS TERHUNE Agents Nolen and Jalonick were in the house party The guests played MO and 42 Two prizes were cut for Miss Gibson receiving the ladies and Bobby Burns the gentleman's Music was furnished throughout the evening bv orchestra Refreshments of brick cream and cake were served Clinch was also served and a toast was given to "The Old Year" by Miss Carver and one to "The New Year" by Mr Newton The guest list Included: Misses Renne Hardin: Avis Simpson Jackson Bell Wilson Shelton r'reear Gaston Kahn Carver Kemp Stone Ona Bell Wadsworth Jalonick imrrett Lucile Durrett Genevieve larver Hart Orth Miiregor Kell Nolen Willis Bolton Wilkes Reid Jotirdan Ernst Bertha Mae Kemn Blair Stonecipher Edith Mat his Frances Jalonick Bess Kell Taylor Carrigan Gibson Fox Cloptnn and Messrs Bonner Fain Burns llickj man Ben Bell Gould Brainard Stay-ton Drake Brown Marin Avis Itot-er Halgler Young Thomas Fain Blair Clayton Selbert Benton McGregor Roach Vance Carter Arnold Boyd Hendricks Wood Stone Huff Shaw Stultz Scheurer Gibson Donohue Smith Settle Merrill Blair Durland Bacon Harrison Smith Mr and Mrs McGregor Mr Mlllsttps Miss Maude Stonecipher Mrs Bean Miss Bean Mr ami Mrs Harry May Mr and Mrs Wallace Little ami Mr and Mrs Nolen FORTY-TWO CLUB BANQUET IS SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR GIT OMo Avonur Wichita Kails swer In the same way but this is de i II nied by both the young people It Is known however that wire communication was resorted to before Mr Brain-aril knew his fate The marked popularity of both of the young people makes the announcement one of de-( ided Interest here and If good wishes (an bring happiness that of Bert Brainard and Miss Katherine Wilson will be complete ferns palms and other potted plants with the Christmas colors red and green iniugieu wnerever possible by the lavish use of Christmas bells holly wreaths and balls In the re-ceivine line were Dr and Mrs Bum-side Mrs Uurnside wearing a lav-endar brocade entrain Miss Alice Ilurnside in blue brocaded eolian with trimmings of chiffon and seed pearls entrain Miss Hazel Gaston gowned in black ciianneuse lace and fur trimmed Mrs Roy Stocks of Fort Worth in a handsome blue and white churmeuse gown Miss I Durrett wearing Irish luce over pink messaline trimmed in blue Mius Lillian McGregor in an embroidered net over pink messaline entrain Miss Lillian Durrett in pale blue embroidered chiffon over yellow Miss Kldridge gowned in blue brocade Miss Mabelle Jackson in hite lace and Mrs McGregor in luvcmlar brocaded messaline cut cut ruin The The executive committee of the ladles Aid Society of the First Church met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mis 0 Corkhlll 60r Lamar The chairmen of the eom-mittees for the new year were ap hi nl and the committees assigned At the close of the business session the hostess served delicious refreshments of coffee cake and Christmas bon lions The following ladies were present: Mesdames Coe 0 Corkhlll A Anderson Sny der and 0 Cook MISS MARIE McCLANAHAN'S THIRD BIRTHOAY OBSERVED Little Miss Marie Clunahan Invited a number of little friends to help her celebrate her third birthday Tuesday evening from 3 to I and fifteen merry children gathered to spend an afternoon in play Many gifts were receives1 by the hostess and tb? birthday cake and dainty refreshments were served to the following children: Dota jcm Russell Lucile llenson Mattie Stephens Sibyl Hanco*ck Sibyl Hays Sarah Gardener Ara Gregg Katherine Moran Fay Urown May Tidwell Curtis Burnett Murrell Measles llillie Whitlaw and ldiitii' Averbeck MRS A HUFF HOSTESS Gives Progressive Dinner Party To Eight Married Couples Saturday evening lieceniber 21 Mrs A Huff entertained with at very pretty progressive dinner party I 'here were four tables and they presented charming appearance with the gay Christmas decorations Bright red carnations formed the centerpieces for each table and the fav ors were tiny red baskets filled with mints A miiistnre Santa Clans marked eacn place covers were laid for eight collides or young married people and most delicious six course dinner was served 1 i i i i i of fern Mrs White poured chocolate and the Misses Grace Nolen Tula Stokes and Mabelle Jack-son served delicious salad wafers chocolate mints and nuts to the guests A very interesting musical program was rendered instrumental selections being given by Miss Harding or Amaiillo and Miss Kathleen Sioro cipher and Messrs Durland and Harry Jones Mrs II Carpenter and Miss Helen Ritchie gave some charming vocal numbers and Miss Hart Of Weatherford and Miss Mabelle Jackson gave charming readings Those present were: Misses Lillian McGregor Lillian Avis Tula Stokes Marzelle Hart Ann Freear Edith Mathls Bertha Mae Kemp Kathryn Wilson Jewell Kemp Fannie Hunter Kale Stroude Elizabeth Jourdan Midge Hennie Bess Kell Delia Stone Lillian and Lucile Durrett Kathleen Bluir Guy Harding Ona Bell Grace Nolen Agnes Held Francts Jalonick Helen Jalonick Gertrude Orth Ann Carrican Ethel Cobb Blanche Kahn Augusta Wads-worth June Ernst Mary Orth Ola Mae Hamlin Mabelle Jackson Katb- DR AND MRS BURNSIDE RECEIVE TUESDAY EVENING Of the many formal affairs held durinc this season none have been more complete or enjoyable than the nei -pi inn given Tuesday evening by Dr and Mrs Ilurnside honoring Miss Uurnside and Miss Gaston The decorations were exquisite the holiday idea prcdournating and the Christmas motif being featured everywhere The guests were received in the hall by Mrs A Anderson Misses Grace Nolen and Lillian Avis and Lester Burns The staircase was entwined with vines cedar and mistletoe and the lights were artistically shaded with red and green The drawing room was a perfect bower Of I gentlemen in the receiving line were First State Bank Trust Co- 7th and Foreign Exchange issued on all parts of the world Self-Identifying TRAVELERS CHECKS issued A Guaranty Fund Bank Four per cent COMPOUND INTEREST paid on Savings Deposits We especially invite the small accounts TAYLOR Cashier tarter McGregor Durland and Prlddjr The dining room was beautifilly decorated in the same mannei as the remainder of the house with fi rns palms holly and bells (Contlnued on Page 8) I he table bore a lovely center piec One of the most carefully planned elaborately arranged and succejjgfully i mm uted social affairs of the season vas the banquet given by the men ol (he Forty two Club to their wives at the Westland Tuesday evening 1 lie banquet was planned for by the men who made all nrrangements and was quite a brilliant success The Ions table was beautifully decorated having for the centerpiece huge mound of sweet peas against an embankment ol green A sumptuous ten course banquet was served the men progressing bet een each course and receiving an appropriate favor from each dinner partner Huff uct-ed as tonstmasier and proposed a number of toasts Mrs Iingford responded to a toast to "Our Husbands Mrs Moore of Kansas City toasted "The Club" Mrs Guest presented Mr Snider with a handsome bouquet in recognition of his share in urrang ing the banquet as he was chairman of the committee Each lady and gentleman present made impromptu toasts and every one felt that the banquet was a real success The members and guests were: Messrs and Mesdames Noble Huff I-angford Grishnm A Guest Huff A Huff 1 Jackson Culebrtson Reese Snider McGregor William Huff Mesdames Reid Moore of Kansas City and Donald Of I 11 'Moll ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED IS OF MUCH INTEREST HERE An announcement of much Interest to the friends of the young iieople in Fine hoes MRS GREENWOOD HOSTESS AT SIX O'CLOCK DINNER Saturday evening Mrs I Greenwood was hostess to a sis o'clock dinner The attractive home was decorated throughout In Christmas effects cut flowers and ferns Covers were laid for six couples the places being marked with dainty cards An elaborate ten course turkey dinner was served after which bridge was played The following made up the party: Messrs and Mesdames George Harrington Strih Moore Haynie Griffin Grisham and the host and hostess GIVES MASQAJERADE party Miss Thelma Kahn it Hottest To Number of Friendt Suits Cleaned and Pressed volved Is that of the engagement of Bert Brainard and Miss Katherine Wil son Although their intimate friends It has always been our pride to keep our stock complete as to sizes and styles Even at this time of the year we are able to show a full assortment of the newest styles in shoes for both men and women offering them in leathers to suit every demand We do not feature cut prices so much as quality but we aim to give the shoe values possible to buy Favorite Shoe Store 818 Indiana Avenue $4 00 have known of it for several days it was not until today that definite announcement of the affair was made Mr Brainard is a member of the local oil men's colony being manager of the No season's festivities are complete without a masquerade and a most enjoyable affair of this sort was given Saturday evening December 27 by Miss Thelma Kahn Speculation as to the Identity of the maskers furnished amusem*nt for some time until the masks were removed There were a number of characters represented clowns black face comedians Spanish senioritas Colonial ladies suffragettes shepherdesses Little Red Riding Hood and various others Music was enjoyed also dancing and other amusem*nts a delicious luncheon was served In the dining room to the following guests: Misses Helen Hines Helen Stone Bernice Jackson Bernice lenders Pauline Mean- Pauline Richolt Atidrcv Addickes Kthel Bean Dorothy Beavers Lucile Hagy of Oklahoma City Abbic Thompson Grace Kirley of 1'etrolia Frick-Reid Supply Co's stores Miss Wilson's home is In St Joseph Mo but she has spent the past two winters here as the guest of her sister Mrs A McCoy and has a host of friends here whose heartiest good wishes are extended her She has been a popular member of the local society set and those who know her feel that Mr Brainard has won a real pnze The date of the wedding has not yet been fixed Mr Bralnard's associates in the oil colony tell the story that he asked the fateful question by telegram while in Tulsa recently and received his an- Jones Tailoring Company PHONE 1313 AUTO DELIVERY.
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- Years Available:
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