Wichita Falls Times from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

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Wichita Falls Timesi

Wichita Falls, Texas

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I FRIDAY Mey IS 1S5I fOirffita Jails claw pflge 8 CHITA Mrs Miner Long Heads Geologists Wives Club Mrs Charles A Reutingor re-1 Minute artificial flowers and sea tiring president presented Mrs shells placed upon pieces of drift-Miner Long president-elect wood were used by Mesdames with the traditional gavel of of- 0 A Daniel and Clark in lice at the final spring luncheon decorating the luncheon tables of the Geologists' Wives Associ-Mesdames I) Reavis and Bob alion at the Woman's Forum 'Welch selected the menu Thursday Silver gifts were pre- Hostesses for the social card sented to Mrs Reutinger and ipnrty preceding the luncheon REST TO ri Mrs A Baker retiring first vice president in appreciation of their service to the organization Woods -Thornton Rites Are Read in Church 1 in' ceremony performed Saturday in the Beverly Drive As-wmbly of God Church Miss Jewel Thornton of Iowa Park became the bride of Tennyson Woods White stock gladioli majestic daisies and emerald fern entwined with white satin bows provided the setting for the 4 nuptials which were conducted by Rev George James pastor 2frs Woods is the daughter of Mr' and Mrs Thornton of Iowa Park and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Alvin Long 404 Houston in marriage by her father the bride wore a ballerina were Mesdames Edwin Smith and Reutinger Bridge prize was won by Mrs Hoover canasta award went to Mrs Carsey and a prize was also awarded Mrs Iloyt Burrkhaltcr Gifts were selected by Mesdames David Cherringlon and Robert Douk Mrs A I Lcvorsen of Tulsa Okla was introduced as a guest The next meeting of the Wives Association will be on Thursday July 17 at the Wichita Falls Country Club Faith Chapter OES Holds Called Meet Four candidates were initiated when Faith chapter 713 Order of Eastern Star held a called meeting Thursday night in Faith Lodge Masonic Temple One past matron and two guests were welcomed It was announced that the next stated meeting and election of officers will be May 22 at 8 pm Mrs Lucille Crawford worthy matron presided Mrs Remitters Installs For Study Group Mrs George Remmers installed the new slate of officers when the Thursday Study Club held a buffet luncheon in the home of Mrs James Doolen 2623 Chase Officers are Mesdames Jarrott president Hamrick vice president Fred Cone secretary Wilkinson treasurer Remmers parliamentarian George A Shaw publicity Duke Forum James Boren federation and Doolen club historian Mrs Theo Whitehill president conducted the business session and was presented a gift from the club The presentation was made by Mrs Jarrott length gown of white Chantilly lace over taffeta fashioned with a scolloped neckline and elbow length sleeves Her nose tip veil of white illusion was attached to a white satin headdress She carried a bouquet of yellow rosebuds and stock florcttes Mrs Barbara Dickerson wearing a bouffant blue lace dress matching headpiece and carrying a bouquet of peach glamellias served as matron of honor Best man was Don Hart of Wichita Falls and ushers were Leonard Thornton Iowa Park and Vaughn Leath of Wichita Falls A reception was held in the home of the bride's sister Mr and Mrs Jack Connell 2309 Speedway following the ceremony The table covered with white lace over yellow satin was centered with an arrangement of gladioli stock and daisies flanked! with a three-tiered wedding cake and white candelabra Members of the house party were Mesdames Elise Hardegree Rosie Leath and Thornton Mrs Woods is a graduate of Iowa Park High School and Midwestern University She is also a graduate of Wichita General Hospital School of Nursing and is now employed at Wichita General Hospital The groom attended Wichita Falls High School and is employed by the Wichita Falls Fire PYTHIANS HONOR MRS EMMERT WILLIAM PYBUS 2302 BROOK UNDERWOOD'S CALENDAR Saturday Wichita Falls Poetry Society guest day brunch Forum Clubhouse 10:30 am District Deputy Grand Chancel Pybus who is a candidate for grand outer guard of Grand Lodge which will be held in June and District Deputy Grand Chief Mrs Lena Emmert wjio is Grand representative of Lone Star Temple 13 were hon orecl with a supper Thursday night at the lodge hall by Pioneer Lodge 49 Knights of Pythias and Pythian Sisters Lone Star Temple 13 The tables covered with a white cloth were centered with arrangements of red and pink roses Club Trio Entertains at Coffee Members of the Unity III Club were hostesses for a coffee Wednesday to honor members of Unity Senior and Unity Junior Clubs in the home of Mrs Jackson III 2112 Berkley Pictured are left to right Mrs Jackson pouring and standing Mrs Lee Unity Jr president Mrs Marvin Smith Unity Sr president and Mrs Eugene Sherrod Jr Unity III president Pink and burgundy flowers formed the floral decor with silver appointments Members host club Mrs Bala Norwood secretary The senior club is composed of the and other young used Approximately 60 guests attended of the house party included officers of the Williams Jr vice president Mrs Ted and Mrs Phillips Cunningham treasurer one of the oldest in the city and host club is third generation of original club members women of Wichita Falls Department Extending from a centerpiece red roses were blue and red MKj MILLtK DEAR ABBY s-s S1 xs i in white leather Past Present Wives Seldom Mix By ABIGAIL VAN Bl'REX Easter time and all the ladies onjwife and the new wife to be pres- DEAR ABBY: After thirty ent at the same party so I think the ladies on the block did your DEAR ABBY: My Mommy and jour block gave a party to let my Daddy were married for 15 Daddy's new wife know they like Mommy a favor by not inviting years Then they got a divorce and my Daddy married this other lady They kept on being nice to each other My Mommy says thelfor the ladies on our block to do? her Mommy wasn't invited She said she didn't feel bad but I her crying Was this a nice thing ribbons enscribed with District and Pybus District Mrs Emmert who was introduced by A Prestage chancellor commander of Pioneer Lodge 49 introduced William Pybus who in turn introduced Mrs Zelma Case Most Excellent Chief of Lone Star Temple 13 Also introduced were Lodge Deputy of Pioneer Lodge 49 and Temple Deputy of Lone Star Temple 13 Following a business session by each group games of dominoes and canasta were played Approximately 45 were present INSTALLED BY CITY VIEW P-TA Mrs Miller was installed as president of the City View Parent-Teacher Association Thursday afternoon at the school Other officers are Mesdames Smith first vice president Carl Davis second vice president A Johnson third vice president Dale Shook secretary and Cordell Young treasurer During the meeting conducted by Mrs Miller it was announced that the sixth grade graduation will be May 29 at 2 pm at the school and that evening at pm the City View community picnic will be at the school The devotional was given by other lady is good and we should like her My Daddy and his new wife moved to our block around sawjher Don't hold it against them DEAR ABBY: Every time I'm with this girl she gets hungry Regardless of where we are no matter how romantic and tender the situation is all she thinks of is food I love her Abby How can 1 find out if she is using me for a meal ticket or does she want mp romantically? NOT HUNGRY DEAR NOT: Feed her first and find out years of married life my husband started to chase some trampy young girl who works at a drive-in He was just fine all through the hard times and raising our family but now that they are grown and married he says we don't have nothing in common 1 had major surgery about three years ago and was de-femaled Could that have anything to do with it? Should I divorce him? am very lonely LONELY DEAR LONELY: No matter what kind of surgery you you are still a woman and also this man's wife Don't divorce him Urge him to talk to a clergyman marriage counselor or his family doctor When the fling is flung he will to OFFICERS ARE INSTALLED BY CARRIGAN P-TA Naw and ASroctiva Sokcftoa of Bridge Accessories Father's Day Gifts COLONIAL BOOK A RECORD SHOP Rarkar Square Phono 7474722 P-TA Will Honor Corrigan Teachers The teachers at Carrigan School will be honored Friday night with a supper at Underwood's Mrs Jack McDowell president of P-TA will make the welcoming address and introduce the new teacher Mrs Larry Robinson school librarian Leon Marlcy will give the invocation The theme for the supper is to be and will be carried out with miniature cars planes and trains as mode of transportation for plate favors Miss Norma Rollins principal will be the speaker for the evening Gifts from room mothers will be presented to each teacher DEAR ABBY: I have been married for three years and 1 lovi my husband Recently a fellow I dated before I was married came to see us He know my husband but he made himself right at home Now he has made a habit of dropping in all hours of the day and night I never invited him but my husband believe me I have told him that my husband doesn't like it but he seem to care This fellow is a pest and means nothing to me How' can I discourage him without hurting his feelings? IMPOSED ON DEAR IMPOSED: What feelings? Tell him in plain English that he welcome The final session of the Carri-gan Parent-Teacher Association was held Thursday afternoon in Mrs Smith and Mrs James 'the sci100 auditorium with Mrs served as installing officer jac McDowell president presid- jg- Thg devotional was given by ti four second graders Deana Hill James Fulmer Joan Crane and Johnnie Jones Fred Barnett principal of Bar-3 wise Junior High installed Mrs 3C A Lloyd as president Other installed were Mesdames Chester Long vice president: Keller second vice president Harry Smith third vice president Raymond Scarbrough fourth vice '-president Joseph Saxon treasurer Sam Marmino secretary rfand Jack McDowell parliaments Chairmen appointed by Mrs Lloyd for the coming year were Mesdames Raymond Perez stu-Kjdent aid Johnnie Smith hospitality Defer city coun-j til A Stripling publicity Guy McNeely legislature Leon Mar-Hley home and family life Mr Melvin Lloyd safety and health and Keller first aid civil 'defense 0 COD's extra postal charges addtdj ffl'i ft )tn 'iiiiiil-'in-r i -i I A in ii 1 1 1 i mo 'll it Villi i it i Westside Seniors Honored by WMS Graduating seniors of Westside Baptist Church were honored with a breakfast Friday morning at Beverly Drive Inn by the West-side Woman's Missionary Society The tables were decorated with arrangements of red roses in black vases the school colors Honored were Miss Wanda Wade Billie Goss Richard Miller Miss Mary Frances Lane ant Charles Hodges and their dates Wise was the devotional given by Rev Victor Nichols Vocal selection was given by Mrs Barbara Griffis Also on the program was Curtis Griffis Special guest was Mrs Allen president of the WMS Miss Kathering Lasseler's sec-ond grade presented a program 'called With Rhythm at i Mrs Jane 'second grade also presented a play entitled Elves and the Mrs Jack McDowell was pre-f sented with a past president's pin and Mrs A Lloyd was given pin 8454 A 36-52 Jla with tw new KV PATJ-O-RAMA Wear It Everywhere A carefully tailored shirtwaist dress is always in style and so becoming to the mature woman several for summer No 8454 with Patt-O-Rama is in bust sizes 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 Size 38 bust 41 yards of 35 or 39-inch Send 35c in coins for this add 5c for each pattern fur first-class mailing Send to SUE BURNETT WICHITA FALLS TIMES 372 Quincy Street Chicago 6 Illinois Print name address and zone style number and size Send 35c today for your copy of our fascinating pattern book Basic Fashion The new Spring and Summer edition is a delight with special features up tc the minute styles miss it! Turn your old furniture into "'quick cash with a Times-Record -jNews Want Ad! Phone 322-524L STRIPED CHINO SEPARATES I SPEND THE SUMMER IN STRIPES it's the sporting thing 4 to dol Mix well with solid color pants and you've got fi some winning combinations! Easy-care chino in Bermuda 1 blue or coral Sizes 10 to 18 WEDDING INVITATIONS and ANNOUNCEMENTS Fail Sarvica and Moderate Prices LOVELACE BOOK STORE Wadding Record looks Too jamaica shorts 398 (not shown) slim skirt 498 (not shown) striped flare skirt 598 nautical blouson 398 clam diggers 498 sleeveless blouse 298 I THIS the DAY To Take Home Underwcsd's HOT PIT BAR-B-Q More end more people ere doing it Side orders of Bar-B-Q a Potato Salad Cole Slaw and Cher ry Cobbler FOR SALE FURNISHINGS of a 12 room house Fabulous antiques a collection of a lifetime Period furniture Victorian Early American Glass china pictures 2007 BERKELEY NO NEED TO GRUMBLE STUMBLE OR GROPE getting out of bed to answer late-night calk- Get a handy bedside telephone Choice of 9 beautiful cobra or standard black For color a one-time-only charge Call the telephone business office END "ONE-PHONE" PROBLEMS WITH HANDY EXTENSION TELEPHONES ONLY $125 A MO (plus ton oad installation) fE 3 WAYS TO BUY tj regular charge layaway revolving charge (4 months to pay) I.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.