The Hanford Sentinel from Hanford, California (2024)

PAGE SIX HANFORD DAILY SENTINEL- HANFORD, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 6, 1928. "SPEEDBOY" BLACK OXFORDS New Lasts-New Patterns Welt Soles New Black Calf Oxfords that embody all that is new in men's footwear. You'll not only like these new styles but you'll thoroughly enjoy the added foot comfort they give. Substantial Goodyear welt soles with rubber heels--A shoe of style, comfort and service.

A At $600 pair CASSIDY'S Brown Shoe Store "Happy Feet for All the Family" EARLY AND HEAVY VOTING IS DONE (Continued from Page One.) morning voters today, and indications were that the heaviest vote in history would be cast throughout the state. Newspapers attempting to direct voters to the proper points, were swamped with calls half an hour before the polls opened. Both Republicans and Democrats have organized transportation squads to get out their full strength. SCOUTS CALL VOTERS Chicago, Nov. 6 (LP) Guarded by' 15,000 city and federal officials a million Chicagoans turned out today to cast their votes in national, state and city elections.

The clear notes of bugles called Chicago to the polls. Dozens of Boy Scouts were stationed at the voting places with their trumpets sound the call to duty. Clear cool weather aided in bringing about what promised to be the city's largest vote. EMERGENCY BOXES ORDERED Los Angeles, Nov. 6-(LP) -Emergency ballot were ordered distributed various points in Los county when the size of the vote together with the size of the ballot caused regular equipment to become swamped.

Registrar of Voters Kerr sent four hundred relief boxes to polling places at 2 p. m. and ordered more prepared. LINDBERGH FOR HOOVER. St.

Louis, Nov. 6-(UP)-Col. Charles A. Lindbergh voted here today for Herbert Hoover and admitted after emerging from the booth that he had split his ticket but declined to say how. Lindbergh voted at booth where two hours earlier Secretary of War Dwight F.

Davis cast his ballot. MRS. FORD VOTES. Dearborn, Nov. 6-(LP)-Mrs.

Henry Ford cast her vote alone early today, motoring a mile and a half to the township precinct outside of Dearborn, where she and the automobile manufacturer are registered. Ford himself rarely votes before 6 or 7 p. after the days work is over, precinct officials said. Both have dorsed Hoover. VOTING FACILITIES INADEQUATE.

San Francisco, Nov. 6-(LP)-Thousands of San Francisco residents were said unable to vote today because of inadequacy of balloting machinery. Reports from precincts said voters were required wait from 30 minutes to two hours to ballot. JOHNSON IS ILL San Francisco, Nov. 6-(LP)-Senator Hiram Johnson, candidate re-election, was unable to vote for himself today because of illness.

He was stricken with an attack of influenza several days ago. A Problem a Day owes 66 of what he owes and he owes of what he owes B. What does he owe A if what he owes is $80 more than what he owes Answer to Yesterday's Problem 37 5-7 feet. Explanation--The diameter of the circle described by his head would be 12 feet longer than the diameter of the earth. Therefore, multiply 12 by 3 1-7.

Daily Sentinel Liners will always bring satisfactory results. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY OSCAR H. PAYNE Teacher of Violin--Mandolin--Banjo Tenor and Steel Guitar Playing Engagements Solicited Studio 1115 N. Douty, Hanford Phone 559 SOCIAL DOINGS Children Presbyterian At Hallowe'en Party. The children of the primary department of the First Presbyterian Church fully enjoyed a Hallowe'en party given Wednesday evening at the parlors of the church.

The merry group was occupied Hallowe'en games for several hours after which they were served bountiful refreshments carried out in the theme of Hallowe'en. Those who shared the event were Clara Blakeley, Dorothy Roe, Erdis Roe, Mildred Thorp, Betty Miller, Doris Hoffman, Frank Blakeley, Virginia Hoffman, Nadine Hummel, Thelma Greeley, Velma Thompson, Mildred McDonald, Warren Wooley, Donald Wooley, George Cobb, Jack Stratton, Edgar Yancy, Earl Yancy, Herbert Atkinson, Floyd Nesbit, Merlin Nesbit, Robert Flaherty, Marion Thompson, Fenton Shore, Buddie Garmon, Burton Lowe, Keith Lowe, Betty Friend, Barbara Poindexter, Margaret Willis, Dorothy Graham, Shirley Truckell, and Roy Munschy. Those who assisted in entertaining the group were Miss Annette Siegfreid, Mrs. George Odale, Mrs. Berlin Atkinson, Mrs.

Tom Nesbit, Mrs. Wooley, Mrs. R. E. Shore and Mrs.

Eva Hurst. Miss Marie Baack Entertains Bridgettes. A charming hostess was Miss Marie Baack when she entertained the Bridgettes last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ora D.

Strong on North Douty street for their regular weekly bridge session. Several interesting and exciting games of that ever popular game were in play, during which light confections were served by the hostess. At the close of the evening Mrs. Walter Eggen being a favored lady, received the score award. Friends Play Bridge.

At Colliver Home. Mr. and Mrs. A. D.

Colliver proved to be charming host and hostess when they entertained: a group of congenial friends at their attractive nome on West Florinda street Saturday evening. The rooms, where the sixteen guests were engaged in the play of bridge, were beautified with handsome bouquets of chrysanthemums. At a late hour the tallies were scored and the group were served dainty course refreshments by the hostess. Score awards were made to Mr. and Mrs.

D. B. Rea and Mr. and Mrs. George Rogers.

North School Group Entertains Classmates. The pupils of the first grade of the North School were entertained by twelve of their classmates at a Halloween party given in their class room last Wednesday. All were masked wore headbands and caps of Halloween designs. Various kinds of Halloween games occupied the afternoon, at the close of which they were served red apples and cookies by the hosts, assisted by Mrs. O.

E. Christensen, the first grade teacher. The plates and napkins used carried out the spirit of Halloween. The headbands, caps, plates and napkins were an exhibition of the children's work which they had made in drawing for the occasion. The twelve hosts were Mary Lou Martin.

Emma Jean Galbraith, Dorothy Feightner, Marion Holbrook, Kathleen Goldsmith, Doris Jean Richmond, Barbara Odenheimer, Nicky Longfield, Bradford Stimpson, Robert Steck, James Stewart and Tommy Spear. Party in Honor of E. 0. Griswold Family. The hospitable home of Archie L.

Bassett was the scene of a pleasant surprise party on Monday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Griswold and family who came to the old home in order to vote, their residence now being in Stockton.

Games and conversation were enjoyed and refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Griswold returned north today. Missionary Society At Hight Home.

The Ladies Missionary Society of the First Baptist church was entertained Thursday by Mrs. F. R. Hight and Miss Gertrude Robinson at the home of the former. The program for the afternoon consisted of talks given by different members the society.

In the social. hour which followed the hostesses served tea and cake. Grangeville Aid Plans for Dinner. The hospitable country home of Mrs. W.

N. Curley near Armona was the meeting place Thursday of the Grangeville Ladies' Aid and Missionary Society for their regular monthly session, with EARLY RETURNS IN MANY STATES (Continued from Page One.) Reports from San Antonio indicated that the Democratic candidate would carry that county, 2 to 1. CURTIS' HOME TOWN. Topeka, Nov. 6-(LP)-Returns from 11 Topeka precincts indicated today that Hoover and Curtis will carry the home town of Senator Curtis by nearly three to one.

The 11 precincts showed: Hoover-Curtis, 974; Smith-Robinson, 321. TYPICAL N. C. VOTE Raleigh, N. C.

Nov. 6-(LP)-4 precinct (complete) in Vance county, gave Smith 32, Hoover 1, according to reports filed at Democratic state quarters here today. Birmingham, Nov. Friendship, in Calhoun county, gave Herbert Hoover a 23 to 0 majority over Governor Alfred E. Smith, today, complete returns from that box showed.

Calhoun is normally Democratic by two to one. SMITH LEADING IN ADA Ada, Nov. 6 (UP)-Incomplete returns from two Ada precincts gave Smith 100; Hoover 93. NECK AND NECK. St.

Louis, Nov. unofficial returns from one St. Louis precinct gave Smith twenty, Hoover 19. TULSA FAVORS HOOVER. Tulsa, Herbert Hoover was leading Smith in unofficial compilations from 32 of 154 Tulsa county precincts at 3 p.

m. today. Clear skies in the morning became overcast this afternoon and it began raining. No totals were given. One precinct gave Hoover 157 against for Smith, another 201 to 61, and a third 60 to 21.

Another was evenly divided. RUM WAR OFF COAST RUMORED San Francisco, Nov. 6-(LP)-The fedjeral government was believed to have opened its annual holiday war against Pacific coast rum- in a sorte of coast guard patrol boats off Golden Gate. Coast guard officials admitted "something was but nothing "that we can tell about." Reports from six patrol boats were made by radio much later than usual, it was said. Rumors were that La Aquila, formerly the Federalship, notorious rum running craft, was the object of the attack, but officials said the ship was in Mexican waters Monday and could not have arrived off the San Francisco coast.

FIREMEN WILL PARADE MONDAY The Hanford volunteer fire department at the regular meeting Monday evening made final arrangements for taking part in the Armistice Day procession. The fire ladies will turn out i in large numbers. Arrangements were perfected for the annual Thanksgiving Eve ball of department to be held Nov. 28, in the civic auditorium. Committees are very active and progress all along the line was reported.

JUST FORMALITY THERE West Branch, Iowa, Nov. election today in West Branch, Hrebert Hoover's birthplace, was just la formality. or almost everybody placed a cross in the circle at the top of the Republican ballot, thereby registering their choice for the man who started life in this little Iowa village. twenty in attendance. During the routine business they completed plans preparatory for the serving of the Fathers' and Sons' banquet on November 22, at Grangeville hall.

Following the business the ladies held a social hour in which served tea and cake by the Rev. and Mrs. hostesser Salisbury, Mrs. J. E.

Wolf, Mrs. P. H. Horr, and Jenkinson were visitors at the meeting. Classified ads bring results.

PERSONAL H. E. Lacey of Hanford was a business visitor in Tulare on Monday. Mrs. Irene Berry and son, Howard, of Hanford, were week-end visitors in Tulare at the home of Mrs.

Berry's mother, Mrs. W. E. Brown. Mr.

and Mrs. A. J. Overstreet started today on a fortnight's vacation which they spend in San Francisco and motoring along the coast highway south. C.

T. Griswold and J. C. Griswold went to Los Angeles and San Diego, motoring south this morning. J.

C. Griswold is a delegate to the Sciots' convention in the latter city. They will visit relatives in Los Angeles. M. H.

Byfield, a former resident of Hanford who now resides near Visalia, started Monday on an extensive European trip and will spend the Christmas season with his kinfolks in England. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kellogg and son Junior, of Watsonville, are expected here this evening, the later two will make a visit at the home of the parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Latham, while Mr. Kellogg will continue to Riverside to attend a meeting of agricultural commissioners. Harry Masai, son of R. Masai, drove 250 miles from Los Angeles to Hanford in order to cast his vote. He is a world war veteran and is manager of the Masai Jewelry Co.

store in Los Angeles and the new establishment in San Pedro. He will return south tonight, after a brief visit with his folks here. Eureka (Special Correspondence) The home of Mr. and Mrs. John Miguel was the scene of a merry gathering on Saturday night when they entertained at a surprise party honor of the birthday of their daughter, Florine.

The guest of honor had spent the day at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sarment, of Hanford, and when she returned found about fifty of her friends assembled. She was the recipient of many lovely gifts.

Many jolly games were played, and at a late hour, refreshments were served. Joe Siemas and family have moved to this community from Hanford. Marian Adams visited her mother in Fresno Saturday. C. Pires visited friends in Cross Creek Saturday.

Jesse 'Farrell visited relatives in Clovis Saturday. KIWANIANS WILL HOLD INTERNATIONAL Sacramento, Nov. vanguard of more than 2,000 members of Kiwanis International of the California-Nevada district were driving here today for the annual convention at Sacramento, opening tomorrow. Headed by O. Sam Cummings, Kansas City, International president, a delegation of prominent Kiwanians have already arrived, including C.

W. Parker, Chicago, secretary, and Charles E. Rinehart, San Diego, trustee. Frank H. Boren, San Mateo, lieutenant governor of the district, will preside at the convention on the opening day.

Governor Young will be present to deliver a short speech of welcome to the visitors. ROUGH RIDE BENEFICIAL Los Angeles, Nov. 6-(LP) Fred Honburg's yawn threatened to become a permanent one when his jaw became dislocated in the today. Enroute to the hospital the ambulance carrying Honburg struck a deep hole and he was jostled so that his jaw snapped back into its proper place. UNMASKED BANDIT ROBS BERKELEY GROCERY STORE Berkeley, Nov.

6-(LP)-An unmasked bandit today held up the Mutual Grocery Store of Berkeley and obtained $20. Bertha Ewing, clerk, was alone in the store at the time. She screamed, but was silenced by threats of the bandit, who fled as a customer entered the store. WILLIAM FOX ORGANIZATION LAST TIMES TONIGHT A GREAT "'INSIDE' 'PICTURE OF HOLLYWOOD LIFE AND LAUGHTER MAR Davies Haines SHOW PEOPLE TWO GREAT STARS 1000 LAUGHS I Buy Scrip Books and Save COUNTY OFFICERS MAKE REPORTS The county supervisors adjourned Monday afternoon until Wednesday morning when the general run of county business will receive attention. An order was made that County Assessor Geo.

R. Prestidge of Tulare county, furnish a certified copy of the assessment list to the board of election of Kaweah Water District, partly Kings This Conservation copy of assessment rolls is to be used Lethe Water election Conservation next February Act. 5 under The county nurse reported 58 visits to the patients with communicable diseases, 11 visits to homes of schools children, 17 visits to schools and a total number of visits of 159. She made 17 sanitary inspections. County Health Officer Torrens reported 3 cases of scarlet fever, 1 case of tuberculosis, 4 cases of diphtheria, 1 of measles and 1 of erysiplas in October.

He made inspection trips to camps of workers in the cotton fields around Corcoran and the migratory school there, where much pink eye was found among the children. The doctor made inspections in Armona, Kings River and I Lemoore districts. GROWERS MEET AT HIGH SCHOOL Raisin growers will meet at the auditorium of the high school at 7:30 o'clock this evening to hear discussed the proposed raisin pool plan. Speakers will be present from Fresno and Kings counties and the growers are invited to participate in the discussions. The Reedley meeting last night was well attended and the growers evinced much interest in proposed pool.

P. O. Thorwaldson of Reedley, G. H. Catina of Clovis and C.

T. Jaeger of this county will speak tonight. LEGION'S CORPS HAS NEW DRUMS Drum Major W. E. Davies of the American Legion drum corps reports that two new bass drums have been secured and will have their first public appearance in' the Armistice Day parade.

The have been practicing assiduously will introduce many novelties in their music and evolutions. The Legion drum corps is an active organization and the members are giving of their time and trouble in the effort of making the corps an outstanding feature in next Monday's parade. HOME DEPARTMENT NAMES OFFICERS At a business meeting of the chairmen of the Farm Bureau Home Department following the meeting of the board of directors of the farm bureau yesterday afternoon following officers were elected: Mrs. Neva Howes, chairman; Mrs. J.

B. Freeman, vice chairman; Mrs. Beryl Witter, secretary-treasurer. A report on center meetings showed that 83 meetings had been held during the year and four follow-up meetings. The total attendance had been given as fourty-one.

According to a report on activities. twenty new homes had been reached during the past month. There had been made 48 dresses, 37 hats and 39 children's garments. There had been 15 dresses made over, 68 miscellaneous garments constructed. 6 dresses dyed, 14 rooms done over, 20 pieces of furniture refinished, 17 pieces of accessories made, and 4 pieces of large equipment placed.

Twenty nine people reported on nutrition and 27 reported results in good growth and development projects. Classified ads bring results. BLANCHE HORTON ART STUDIO 110 East 10th St. GIFTS ANTIQUES Imported and Domestic ROYAL THEATRE TODAY ONLY Raymond Hitchco*ck TIRED BUSINESS MAN" Also Added Attractions SPECIALCountry Store Many valuable articles are Free! Free! given Store Friday away each nights. at our Tuesday Country and STARTING TOMORROW John Gilbert in "Man, Woman and Sin" ADULTS 20c CHILDREN 10c Tillie the Toiler JUST ANOTHER CONFERENCE By Russ Westover SAY, TILLIE: ALL THINK RIGHTIE, MAC.


THE EYE RUN AGAIN? GET ME! YEH MAYBE Riss Great Britain rights reserved COESTOVER 0 1928 by King Features Syndicate Inc IN THE LODGE ROOM Umpqua Tribe, No. 125, I. O. R. at the regular Monday night meeting perfected arrangements for a large turn-out of members in full war paint next Monday in the Armistice Day parade.

Charter, members will be special guests Timers" night on Nov. 19. Tribesmen will motor to Tulare on the evening of Nov. 9 to participate in a San Joaquin. valley gathering of Red Men.

BIRTHS -Born, Nov. 5, 1928, at the Sacred Heart hospital, to the wife of E. V. Roberts of Corcoran, a daughter. MARRIAGE DECLARATION J.

Calvin Hackett, 42, and Mary Elizabeth Cayton, 42, both of Visalia. Indians to Parade POLICEMAN COLLAPSES WHEN CONNECTED WITH MURDER Lake Bluff, Nov. 6- (LP) -Oscar J. Koler, close friend William Hitchco*ck, Lake Bluff policeman, collapsed outside the police station here today when his name was mentioned in connection with the mysterious burning of Miss Elfrieda Knaak in the police station furnace here last week. Koler was taken home, where his condition was said.

to be serious. Classified ads bring results. WYAL HUSKEYS ANTISEPTIC THROAT PASTILLES A Cough, Hoarseness, Tickling Threes NYAL COMPANY, ET ONES DETROIT. A HEFTON DRUG CO..

The Hanford Sentinel from Hanford, California (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.