Kindergarten: All Missions Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wizard (2025)

Kindergarten: All Missions Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wizard (1)

In Kindergarten, you are a young kid who is experiencing their first day of kindergarten. However, this is not a normal school. Why is the janitor always cleaning up blood, and why are students going missing after talking to the principal? And what is up with your teacher, Ms. Applegate? There are many questions that you might have that will be answered over time… time that you relive over and over again. Every day is Monday, and every day will bring you closer to the truth of what happened to Billy. Are you ready to face it?

Kindergarten is a puzzle-oriented adventure game where you can complete missions for a different character each day, so this guide will be organized by character. Some missions help you unlock items needed for another character’s mission, so we’ll do those first. I’d also like to note that this game is full of dark humor, and despite featuring kids some of the jokes are not for kids, so if you’re not into that I wouldn’t recommend this game. Now let’s get into the missions!

Table of Contents

  • Cindy
  • Jerome
  • Ms. Applegate
  • Nugget
  • Buggs
  • Monty
  • Lily

Cindy’s Mission

Kindergarten: All Missions Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wizard (2)


First, before going to school, take out some money from your piggy bank. You’ll need $3.10 for this route.

Upon starting the day, the school bully, Buggs, will immediately sniff out your money and demand you give it to him. Tell him yes or he will literally kill you. He mentions that you shouldn’t tell the teacher, but that’s exactly what you need to do next.

Approach Ms. Applegate, your teacher, by the door, and tell on Buggs. Go through all the options and she’ll tell you to fight with Buggs and she’ll give you a gold star. Heck yeah, we want that gold star! Talk to Buggs again and tell him “Squishing me won’t make your dad come back”. Hit him where it hurts with “He’ll never be proud of you”. Next, pick “Dying wouldn’t be so bad”, before wimping out and calling for the teacher (this actually saves your life). The teacher then sends Buggs to the principal’s office, and then asks if you could help her get rid of Jerome too. Refuse her, this ain’t her route!

Instead, look for a blonde girl with pigtails. This is Cindy. She wants you to be her boyfriend since Buggs is gone, so agree to start her route. Now she wants you to do something for her: stick gum in Lily’s hair during morning time. Agree to that too. Now use up all of your leftover apples to go to class.

Kindergarten: All Missions Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wizard (3)


Immediately go up to Lily, the girl with black hair and a flower in her hair and put the gum in her hair. Then go tell Cindy of your evil deeds. Cindy is happy with you and wants to play house, but she wants you to wash the blood off your face first from your fight with Buggs.

If you try to go to the door, the teacher will run over, because you can’t leave without a hall pass. Ask “May I use the bathroom” to get your hall pass, and leave. Unfortunately, when you enter the hallway, a hall monitor will block your way. Show him your pass, then go into the bathroom. Ignore the janitor and clean your face at the sink, then go back to class without talking to anyone else.

Now it’s time to play house with Cindy. When she asks you to make dinner, say “Yes, dear.” When she asks if you’ve been drinking again, tell her “No honey, I’m just tired”. Then choose “I told you I’m FINE!”, then ask about her unborn child. Keep playing along until she invites you to lunch with her. The lunch bell will ring right after, so let’s continue our day with Cindy!

Kindergarten: All Missions Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wizard (4)


At lunch, start by talking to the lunch lady to get your slop. Then talk to Cindy and eat your slop. However, Cindy’s mother forgot to pack her something vegan to eat, so she tasks you with finding her a suitable meal.

You could buy a salad from Monty for 75 cents, but the best boyfriends know how to be frugal. Talk to the janitor and question him about his biscuit balls. Call him creepy, insinuate that they’re drugged, and then tell him that Cindy wants something vegan. He’ll give it to you for free, along with a Monstermon card for your collection. Give her the biscuit ball. Why does it remind her of her dog? Uhh…

Once that’s over, Cindy has another plan for Lily at recess. Help her find something gross in the janitor’s closet to give Lily. It’s time for a dangerous stealth mission, since the janitor will not be happy if he catches you. Cindy will give you the key, and she plans to distract the lunch lady. Also, she tells you not to disturb the hall monitor smoking in the bathroom. Once you’re ready, tell her “Let’s do this.”

Immediately leave the cafeteria and enter the door marked “Keep Out”. Grab the bucket of blood and run out the door before the janitor comes in and kills you. Go back into the cafeteria when the bell rings. The lunch lady shoos you outside for recess.

Kindergarten: All Missions Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wizard (5)


Talk to Cindy and show her what you found. Get in position on top of the monkey bars, and Cindy will call poor Lily over. Now walk over Lily and pour the bucket onto her, Carrie-style. Now as thanks for helping her bully Lily, Cindy will give you a flower. Take it, then you will automatically move on to the final part of the day, show and tell.

Show and Tell

Simply show the flower to the class. Afterwards, Cindy will tell you to keep it. It’ll stay in your inventory for every day after this one, which is good because you’ll need it for Nugget’s mission later. Now Cindy’s ending is complete!

Jerome’s Mission

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Jerome is the principal’s son. Today you’ll need $3 from your piggy bank.

Hand over half of your cash to Buggs, then talk to Monty, the redheaded kid. Buy several items from him: a yo-yo, a screwdriver, and some cigarettes. Now eat the rest of your apples to move on to the classroom.

Kindergarten: All Missions Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wizard (7)


Now it’s time to actually meet Jerome. He’s the black boy sitting next to Lily. At first, he doesn’t want to work with you, but give him the yo-yo to change his mind. Now he needs your help with something. The janitor stole his laser pointer, so you’ll need to get into the janitor’s closet to get it back.

Jerome will distract Ms. Applegate, so leave the room immediately after. Give the hall monitor your hall pass, and then enter the janitor’s closet. Yeah, it’s pretty obvious you should check the box with “Stolen Stuff” on it on the right. Unscrew the screw on the left side of the shelf to get the box in reach, then grab Jerome’s laser pointer and run for the door. The hall monitor will send you back to class, just in time for the lunch bell.

Kindergarten: All Missions Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wizard (8)


Tell Jerome about your success, only to be interrupted by the furious janitor. Quickly hide the laser pointer in the trash can before he comes into the cafeteria. If you’re quick enough he won’t catch you, but soon a bigger problem comes up: the lunch lady wants the janitor to take out the trash! He takes it out but comes back too quickly, and notes that he left it in the bathroom. Time to get that laser pointer before it’s gone for good!

Tell Jerome to pay off the lunch lady so you can leave the cafeteria. Go to the bathroom to find the hall monitor standing inside. Give him the cigarettes and he’ll leave you alone. Dig through the trash bag to get the laser pointer, then head back to lunch. The lunch lady will send you to recess.

Kindergarten: All Missions Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wizard (9)


The janitor is next to Jerome, uh-oh. Before you can get over to Jerome, Monty calls for you. Jerome is in trouble, and to save him unfortunately you’re going to have to trade away the laser pointer. Monty will give you one of the principal’s listening devices. Sneak up behind the janitor and place the bug on the ground behind him. Now go back to Monty and watch things unfold. After that, it’s time for show and tell!

Show and Tell

Present your screwdriver to the class. After school, Jerome will give you a mold for a key, which can be used in Monty’s and Lily’s missions. Yay, you’ve survived to the end of Jerome’s day!

Ms. Applegate’s Mission

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Start the day off by grabbing a whopping $7 from your piggy bank. At school, let Buggs take your money, but go snitch on him to Ms. Applegate. Agree to fight Buggs, then antagonize him until he starts hitting you. Call the teacher for help, and she’ll send Buggs away to the principal’s office. Now when the teacher asks you to eliminate Jerome and Cindy, agree, because there can only be one favorite student and it’s gonna be you.

Talk to Monty and buy a voice recorder for $2.50. Then use your last apple to talk to Cindy. Agree to be her boyfriend, but then ask if your love isn’t enough. Then ask why and tell her “You don’t seem like any of those things”. Keep making her angry and you’ll be sent to the principal. Deny Cindy’s accusations and show the principal your recording. The principal keeps your recording device and sends you back to class without Cindy.

Kindergarten: All Missions Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wizard (11)


Return to class and the teacher mentions she would’ve given you a gold star if Buggs didn’t come back. However, there’s still the opportunity to earn more by getting rid of Jerome.

First, buy Monty’s yo-yo, then talk to Jerome and agree to help him. When he goes to distract the teacher, snitch on him and she’ll send him to the principal’s office. Then offer to befriend Nugget, the little blonde boy whose head is literally shaped like a nugget and eat his nugget as a sign of your friendship. Eat your last remaining apple as well and head to lunch.

Kindergarten: All Missions Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wizard (12)


Talk to Nugget to discover that the nugget you just ate was poisoned, and only he has the antidote. To get it, you’re going to have to feed Buggs a poisoned nugget so he’ll die and Nugget will be free from his torment. Works for us. Talk to Buggs and tell him he’ll look like a sissy if he doesn’t eat the nugget. He’ll eat it if you tell him Cindy’s name. After this, go back to Nugget and tell him it’s done. Buggs keels over and Nugget hands you the antidote. He also wants to show you something at recess. Perfect, that’s when we can eliminate him.

The next student you can get rid of is Monty. He mentions how the janitor can’t spell “biscut”. Inform the janitor of his spelling error, and say Monty let you know. The janitor will kill Monty in retaliation and give you Monty’s glasses.

Our final student to take out at lunchtime is Lily, who you may have noticed leaving earlier. Talk to the lunch lady and ask if you may go to the bathroom. Give her Monty’s glasses so she’ll agree. Now leave the room and go to the left of Lily to find the door to the principal’s office. Rat Lily out but don’t say you were eavesdropping with her. Lily is now gone. On to recess!

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Now it’s time to literally get dirt on Nugget by going down his hole in the sandbox. Agree to go inside the Nugget cave and behold its nuggety goodness. Grab the Monstermon card on the right if you’d like, then interact with the dog. Pick it up and then tell Nugget when you’re ready to exit the cave. Then show the teacher what you found. After Nugget is gone, the teacher will give you a special lunch pass, which you’ll need for Buggs later. Mission complete!


Nugget’s Mission

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For this day, you’ll need the flower from Cindy’s mission and $1 from your piggy bank. At school, after you pay Buggs half of your money, talk to Nugget and offer to be his friend, then give him Cindy’s flower. In return, Nugget gives you a nugget of friendship, and tasks you with finding the rest of them by recess. There are five in total, so you’ll need four more. He also hands you a strange device to use later.

After speaking with Nugget, buy a yo-yo from Monty. Then talk to Cindy, become her boyfriend, and then agree to put gum in Lily’s hair. However, unlike Cindy’s ending, we’re going to be nice to Lily this time. Rat Cindy out by telling Lily about the gum, and then it should be time to go to class.

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Pick Nugget as your classroom buddy to continue your quest for the five nuggets of friendship. You must find one in this room, and Nugget will give you another, bringing your total to three. It’s sitting in one of the cubbies up top. You’ll have to distract the teacher first.

Talk to Jerome and give him the yo-yo from earlier so he’ll agree to create a distraction. Take the nugget from Nugget’s cubby, then give Jerome’s unused hall pass back to him. Return to Nugget with the chickeny fruits of your labors.

Next, Nugget reveals his crush on Lily, and asks you to give her his poem. However, Lily can’t read, so she asks the teacher to read it for her. After poor Nugget gets embarrassed in front of the whole class, talk to him again to receive the third nugget. Eat your last apple to skip to lunch.

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At lunch, Nugget decides he’s had enough of Buggs throwing slop at him every day, and gives you a poisoned nugget to feed him. Yup, you’re going to commit murder for Nugget. Talk to Buggs and tell him Cindy will think he’s a sissy if he doesn’t eat the nugget. Naturally, he eats it. Report your success to nugget and he’ll give you a hopefully unaltered nugget of friendship.

Now Nugget wants you to check on Lily for him. Talk to her and accept the donut she gives you. Now eat the rest of your apples to move on to recess, where you can acquire your final nugget.


Talk to Nugget again in the sandbox. He asks about the strange device he gave you earlier, and has you give it to him. He tells you what it does, then gives it back to you. Put the device behind the statue, then talk to Lily about her brother Billy. When the teacher comes over, offer her your donut.

Now you can talk to Nugget and take the final nugget of friendship. Enter the Nugget Cave in its true form. Place Cindy’s flower on Billy’s memorial on the left.

Show and Tell

Show the class one of your nuggets, since that’s all that’s in your inventory. After school, Nugget gives you a note from Billy. You can’t read, but Lily may be able to help you during her mission. With this, Nugget’s mission is complete.

Buggs’s Mission

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Time to befriend the school bully, Buggs. Bring the lunch pass from Ms. Applegate’s mission, as well as $3.10 from your piggy bank.

Give half of your money to Buggs, and then go talk to the teacher. Tell her that Buggs took your money but refuse to start a fight with Buggs. Ask about the bad children.

Next, talk to Nugget about Billy, pushing the topic until you get sent to the principal’s office. Tell the principal that you’re sad about Billy, and he’ll give you some pills. Leave without checking the blood under the rug. The hall monitor will escort you to class.

Kindergarten: All Missions Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wizard (18)


When you return to class, the teacher will ask if the principal gave you anything. Tell her about the pills you got, ignoring the fact that the principal told you not to tell anyone who gave them to you. Give her one and she’ll be… busy for a while.

After talking to Ms. Applegate, Buggs will call you over. He plans to get rid of the teacher before she gets rid of you children. Agree to help him and tell him about your lunch pass. Next, you’ll need to distract her, with something you can buy from Monty. Talk to Monty, and he’ll ask you to find a device for him to rig. Grab a device from Jerome’s cubby on the far left and grab the nugget from Nugget’s cubby. Now hand the device to Monty and he will add some modifications to it for $1.50.

Return to Buggs and show him the device, and he’ll have you place it under one of the tables in the front. The lunch bell will ring, and instead of going to lunch with the other kids use your special pass to eat lunch with the teacher.

Kindergarten: All Missions Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wizard (19)


At lunch, the teacher gives you a silly meal to eat. Instead of taking a bite, activate your distraction, then run up behind her while she’s looking for the explosives and stab her with Buggs’s knife. Buggs will come in to see your handiwork, taking back the knife and stealing the teacher’s cell phone while he’s at it. The bell rings and it automatically goes to recess.


Talk to Buggs, and he’ll tell you that you need to dispose of the knife, since it’s got both of your fingerprints on it. Nugget’s hole is the best option, but Nugget doesn’t trust Buggs, so you’ll have to convince Nugget to let you drop something in there. Show him the knife, and at first he’ll panic, but then show him a nugget of friendship and he’ll hesitantly agree to let you hide the knife. Talk to Buggs again, then eat the rest of your apples to move on to show and tell.

Kindergarten: All Missions Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wizard (20)

Show and Tell

The principal is here, demanding that everyone turn out their pockets to see if any of the students could have killed the teacher. You’re still bloody, but since you disposed of the knife at recess you aren’t incriminated. Buggs is checked next, and he slips you the teacher’s cell phone on his way over. The day ends as the principal sends everyone home, and Buggs lets you keep the phone for use on Lily’s route. Hooray, you’ve completed Buggs’s route!

Monty’s Mission

Kindergarten: All Missions Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wizard (21)


Since Monty is a little entrepreneur, his route is going to be an exercise in economics. Bring a whopping $10 to school, along with the key mold from Jerome’s ending and the special lunch pass for the teacher.

At school, Buggs will shake you down for half of your money, leaving you with $5 to your name. Talk to Monty and ask him to make you a key with the mold. You’ll need to pay him $20 at the end of the day, so it’s time for a little buying and selling. Buy the yo-yo from him and sell him the lunch pass to gain a net amount of $2, bringing your balance to $7.

Now with your last apple, pester Nugget about Billy until you get sent to the principal’s office. Tell the principal you’re sad about Billy to receive a canister of pills, then leave for class.

Kindergarten: All Missions Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wizard (22)


As you enter the classroom, the teacher asks if the principal gave you anything, tell her about the pills, but refuse to give her one unless she’ll pay you for it. You now have $8, so there’s $12 to go! Now talk to Monty and sell him the pill bottle for another $4, bringing your total to $12.

Next, talk to Jerome and trade him the yo-yo for a hall pass. Let him distract Ms. Applegate, then leave the room and go to the bathroom, showing the hall monitor your pass along the way.

In the bathroom, talk to the janitor, but be very careful about what you say, or he will kill you. Here’s how to make it through this conversation alive:

  • What’s in those bags?
  • Those bags.
  • It’s bleeding.
  • How did that judgement get passed down?
  • Sounds riveting.
  • I’m morbidly curious.
  • But it’s ok for me to see a bloody bag in a bin?
  • A nickel won’t cut it.
  • Chocolate is more expensive than a nickel.

The janitor will agree to have the lunch lady give you a discount on chocolate later. Sweet. Go back to class and the bell will ring, sending you on to lunch.

Kindergarten: All Missions Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wizard (23)


Tell Jerome you failed to get his laser pointer, and he will be disappointed, but he’ll let you keep the hall pass.

Next, it’s time to get some chocolate to sell to Monty. Talk to the lunch lady and ask if she has anything other than slop. She’ll mention a very expensive chocolate bar. Tell her that the janitor said you could get it cheaper. Now you can buy what was a $10 chocolate bar for a nickel!

Sell Monty the hall pass and the chocolate for $5 each, and you should have $21.95, which is more than enough money to pay Monty at the end of the day. Eat the rest of your apples and go to recess.


Grab a monstermon card from behind the slide to bring to show and tell later, then eat your apples to skip to show and tell time.

Kindergarten: All Missions Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wizard (24)

Show and Tell

Present your monstermon card and the teacher will complain. Class ends, and it’s time to give Monty the money. He gives you the key. Now Monty’s mission is complete, and you have everything you’ll need for Lily’s mission if you’ve completed the other previous routes!

Lily’s Mission


Lily’s route is the final route in the game. You’ll need the note, the phone, and the key from Nugget’s, Buggs’s, and Monty’s endings. This time don’t bring extra money to school, it’ll use up one of your apples.

At school, show Lily the note. She tells you to find someone who can read it. Talk to Monty, who will charge you a dollar to read the note. There’s a secret hatch in the principal’s office that can be opened with a code written on the note. Unfortunately, the handwriting is terrible, so Monty’s going to try to have the answer for you by lunch. While you’re here, buy some cigarettes from Monty.

Go back to Lily and show her your other items. She has a plan to get into the hatch. You’ll need Nugget’s help to get you sent to the principal’s office. Ask Nugget about Billy and keep bothering him until you get caught by the teacher.

In the principal’s office, tell him you’re sad, and take the pills he gives you. Instead of leaving for class, look under the rug.

Kindergarten: All Missions Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wizard (25)


Tell the teacher that the principal didn’t give you anything when she asks. Now talk to Lily and tell her that you saw the hatch under the rug. Now we’ll need to get into the principal’s office when he’s not there. We’ll also need physical evidence of the crimes going on at the school. We can do that during this period.

Try to leave and go to the bathroom, doing the “May I use the bathroom” routine with the teacher. Out in the hallway, show the hall monitor your pass, and he’ll let you by.

In the bathroom, look into every stall. The last one needs to be cleaned. Ask the janitor to clean it, and then grab a severed finger from the trash bag in the bin on the right. The bell will ring, and you’ll be sent back to class.

Kindergarten: All Missions Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wizard (26)


Talk to Monty first to get the code for the hatch, then show Lily the finger you found in the bathroom. It’s time to break into the principal’s office. We need to meet Lily in the bathroom, where she’ll call the principal and tell him to go to the classroom. The hall monitor is in the bathroom, but if you bought the cigarettes earlier you can bribe him, and he won’t tell on you. Give Lily the phone, and she’ll make the call. Run to the principal’s office once the coast is clear and unlock the door.

There’s a new problem in the office: the hatch doesn’t take a code, but it opens with a key. Go behind the principal’s desk on the left, and you should find a lock with a code. Use the code Monty gave you and take the hatch key from the drawer. Open the hatch and go inside. In the hatch room, there are several things floating in tanks, and one of them is Billy! There is also a computer on the far-left wall. Press yellow, red, yellow, and then green to turn Billy back to normal.

Oh no! The lights go out, and the principal arrives. Quickly press the blue button and enjoy the ending. Billy and Lily will give you an ultra-rare Monstermon card and a Collector’s Guide that will help you find the rest. Congratulations, you’ve beaten Kindergarten!

Which Kindergarten character is your favorite, and what moment in the game was the funniest? Discuss in the comments!

Kindergarten: All Missions Walkthrough - Walkthrough Wizard (2025)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

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Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.